Saitek Computer Keyboard Overlay Keyboard User Guide

Cha pte r 5  
Us ing Ove rla y Ke yboa rds  
Introduc tion  
Choos ing a n Ove rla y Ke yboa rd  
Furthe r Informa tion  
Cha pte r 5 Using Ove rla y Ke yboa rds  
Who Might Us e an Overlay Keyboard?  
The main advantage of overlay keyboards is that dedicated overlays can be tailored to suit the  
individual user and a particular task, thereby simplifying and improving access and control. Their use  
is not confined to special needs: overlay keyboards are used as input devices for retail, stock control  
and automatic cash machines – wherever a limited set of options needs to be presented.  
Phys ic a l / Pe rc e ptua l Diffic ultie s  
Pupils with physical or perceptual difficulties who find it hard to press the small keys on a standard  
keyboard may be able to use overlay keyboards with overlays designed to suit their particular needs.  
For example, the keys can be made different sizes, spaced further apart and arranged in a helpful  
layout, say with common keys grouped together.  
Vis ua l Impa irme nt  
Pupils with visual impairment may benefit from overlays created in high contrast colours (e.g.  
yellow on black); with large letter sizes; or clear space around each key.  
Young a nd Ea rly Le a rne rs  
Young and early learners who are unfamiliar with the standard ‘QWERTY’ layout may find the  
full keyboard confusing. Overlay keyboards with keys printed in a lower case or ‘primary  
handwriting’ font or arranged in alphabetic order (Figure 5-3) may be simpler and easier to use.  
Figure 5-3 IntelliKeys alphabetic layout  
Overlays can be created with layouts and functions matched to the target application. For example,  
the Discover:Board overlay shown below can be used to control the mouse pointer for  
‘point-and-click’ programs.  
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Figure 5-4 Discover:Board Mouse control overlay  
Re a ding Diffic ultie s  
Early readers/writers or users with specific learning difficulties can use overlay keyboards to  
produce whole or part words and phrases, with a single keypress. This allows a student to practice  
sentence formation without having to worry about the spelling of individual words. Different  
overlays can be created to suit the current curricular topic. The Concept Universal overlay below is  
for use with the Wellington Square reading scheme.  
Figure 5-5 Wellington Square overlay  
Overlays are not limited to letters and words – anything can be drawn, printed or glued on the  
overlay. Non-readers can select photographs, pictures or symbols as well as, or instead of, text.  
Figure 5-6 Concept Plus overlay  
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5.2 Choos ing an Overlay Keyboard  
Different keyboards are available in different sizes and with different features. Most keyboards need  
special software in which case you cannot consider the keyboard without also considering its  
accompanying software and the curriculum software that it needs to access. Software is discussed  
later on; we’ll look at the ‘basics’ of the keyboards first.  
The size of the keyboard and overlay area is important:  
Larger keyboards (e.g. A3 size) are useful for:  
group work where several children can use it at once;  
designing overlays with lots of keys, showing larger pictures and text;  
use by children who have difficulty targeting small keys.  
The smaller keyboards may be more suitable for young children and those who have limited range of  
The British-made Concept Keyboards take A3 or A4 size overlays which are convenient for making  
up overlays since paper is readily available. The North American devices have different overlay sizes  
so you have to buy special paper from the keyboard suppliers or cut the overlay to shape.  
Numbe r of Individua l Ke ys  
The keys on most of the keyboards are approximately 1 or 2 cm square. This means the overlay  
picture areas are big and ‘blocky’ – fine for letters and word banks but not so good for detailed  
pictures or maps. Informax has 4096 individual keys so that very fine detailed overlays can be  
Compute rs , Conne c tions & Ke ygua rds  
Different keyboards work with different computers and need different plugs and leads. These are  
described in more detail later. Keyguards are helpful for children who press keys by mistake (see  
Chapter 3 Accessing the Keyboard for more information about keyguards).  
Cos t  
The prices given in the Table 5-1 are for the keyboard only. The Concept keyboards need software as  
well (see Table 5-2 for driver software prices).  
Overlay Keyboards  
‘Conc e pt’ Ke yboa rds  
‘Old blue’ Concept Keyboard  
These keyboards were originally designed for the BBC micro in the early 1980s, and are still  
commonly used in schools. They have a flat ribbon cable which plugs into the User or Parallel  
port on BBCs. They can also be plugged into RM Nimbus 186, RM 386 ‘M’ series and Acorn  
machines fitted with optional User Ports. The keyboards were available in A4 or A3 sizes with  
128 keys. A large amount of good educational software was written for the Concept Keyboard,  
and much of it is still in use. The Concept Keyboards can also operate the more recent software  
written for Concept Universal boards.  
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Concept Universal  
The Concept Universal has been developed from the original old blue Concept Keyboard. They  
are available in A4 or A3 size, with 256 keys. They are supplied with one connecting cable for  
the computer of your choice: you can buy extra cables for other computers separately. The cables  
are either the parallel type (for plugging into BBC, Acorn or Nimbus User Port) or the serial type  
(for plugging into a PC ‘COM’ port, Acorn serial port, or Macintosh Printer/Modem ports). The  
keyboards have ‘key beep’ and ‘auto-repeat’ options.  
Concept Universal Plus  
A new version of the Concept Universal with a more attractive and comfortable case. It has non-  
slip feet, holds overlays more securely, and has screw fixings for mounting. A version with an  
infra-red link, instead of the cable, is available. This keyboard can operate the same software as  
the standard Concept Universal.  
Touch N’ Go  
Touch ‘N’ Go is approximately A5 size (half A4), has 256 keys, and uses standard Concept  
Keyboard software. It connects to the computer with a cable or infra-red link.  
Informatrix 2  
Informatrix is a ‘high-resolution’ version of the A3 Concept keyboard, with 4,096 keys instead of  
256. More and smaller keys means you can design overlays with more accurate areas for detailed  
pictures and maps. The board can be used with the same overlays and software as the other A3  
size boards (with up to 256 keys), but Informax software must be used if more than 256 keys are  
required. Informatrix uses the same serial cables as the Concept Universal to plug into Acorn,  
Macintosh or PC computers. It has key beep and auto-repeat options.  
Keyguards and acces s ories  
Keyguards for A3 and A4 Concept Keyboards are available with 2, 4, 6, 12 and 32 holes. The  
Concept Lynx can give switch users access to concept keyboard software. It is a small box with  
four switch jack sockets; when a switch is pressed the software acts as though a key has been  
pressed on the Concept Keyboard.  
Concept Keyboard s oftware  
The Concept keyboards all need special driver or emulator software (such as Informax, Concept  
Plus/Concept Plus Multimedia, or Conform+) which recognises when a key has been pressed and  
then carries out the programmed operation on the computer. You can use the software to create  
your own overlays and programme the keyboard to work with particular applications. Most of the  
programs let you programme the keyboard to generate text, operate the control keys; move the  
mouse pointer; and play digitised sound. Concept Plus Multimedia is an extension to Concept  
Plus which lets you create multimedia activities, with recorded sound, synthesised speech and  
video clips, with matching overlays. Some educational software already has the Concept  
Keyboard driver built-in (such as Writing with Symbols and Making Tracks to Literacy from  
Widgit, and some My World screens).  
Inte lliKe ys  
IntelliKeys has 576 keys and plugs into a Mac or PC keyboard connector in place of the standard  
keyboard; no special software is needed. It gives full control over the computer, including control  
over the mouse pointer and access to menus and dialogue boxes. It comes with seven ready made  
standard overlays: full QWERTY keyboard and mouse control; alphabetic; numeric; large mouse  
overlays; ‘setup’ for programming the keyboard response. It also has two 3.5mm jack sockets for  
switch users so can be used as a programmable switch interface. There are keyguards for the  
seven standard overlays and a range of keyguards for custom overlays, with 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15  
or 20 holes. There is a range of educational software which is supplied with ready-made  
overlays. You can buy ready-made software and overlays to access Edmark software such as  
Bailey’s Book House and Millie’s Math House. Custom overlay files and overlays for computer  
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control can be designed with a separate Overlay Maker program. IntelliPics is a multimedia  
program for creating early learning activities with sound and animation, and corresponding  
overlays, for access with IntelliKeys.  
Ke y La rgo / Ke :nx  
Key Largo is an overlay keyboard for Macintosh. It needs a Ke:nx interface and software to work  
and the total cost of both is very high compared to other overlay keyboards. The keyboard is  
slightly larger than A4 and uses ‘US legal’ size overlays. The Ke:nx software provides full  
control over the Macintosh keyboard and mouse as well as digitised and synthetic speech. Many  
ready-made overlay files (called setups) are available for popular educational software packages.  
Dis c ove r:Boa rd / Ke :nx On:Boa rd  
Discover:Board (and the previous version Ke:nx On:Board) is an overlay keyboard that plugs  
into the Apple ADB keyboard/mouse port. It can be used with desktop computers or slides over  
an open Macintosh Powerbook and uses Ke:nx software to give full access to the Macintosh.  
Five overlays are supplied, with QWERTY, alphabetic, mouse control, numbers and multimedia  
layouts and new files and overlays can be made using the software supplied with the board. As  
well as good computer control, Discover:Board can be used to generate synthetic or digitised  
speech using the Mac’s built-in sound software. Keyguards with 32, 64 and 128 holes are  
available. There are ready-made curriculum activities and overlays for popular educational CD’s.  
Othe rs  
The Saitek PCDash is a small overlay keyboard designed mainly for playing games on PC. It  
comes with ready-made overlays for games like Quake, plus one for controlling MS Word  
toolbars, and you can also design and print your own. It has 35 keys on the overlay, an eight-way  
‘game-pad’; 2 fire buttons, and 3 programmable buttons. It is £49.95, from KCS and some  
computer suppliers.  
Electrone manufacture a range of overlay keyboards (‘Keyport Touch Panels’) with 60 to 300  
keys, for industrial, sales and healthcare applications. They are slightly larger than A4 size and  
are user programmable. They cost between £125 and £349.  
Table 5-1 Overlay Keyboards  
Overlay Keyboard  
size cm  
size cm  
No. of  
& price  
Acorn, BBC, Mac,  
Nimbus, PC  
52 x 33  
2, 4, 6, 12,  
32 holes,  
£25 each  
42 x 30  
Parallel or  
serial port  
Universal A3  
(39 x  
(30 x 21)  
- 16x16  
Keyboard Co.  
Acorn, BBC, Mac,  
Nimbus, PC  
Parallel or  
serial port.  
52 x 33  
2, 4, 6, 12,  
32 holes,  
£25 each  
42 x 30  
Universal Plus  
A3 (A4)  
(39 x  
(£177 for  
(30 x 21)  
- 16x16  
serial link  
Keyboard Co.  
Acorn, BBC, Mac,  
Nimbus, PC  
Serial cable  
or Infra-red  
serial link  
Keyboard Co.  
28 x 10  
39 x 24  
24 x 16  
(£199 for  
- 16x16  
Touch ‘N’ Go  
2, 4, 6, 12,  
32 holes,  
£25 each  
Acorn, PC  
42 x 30  
Serial port  
Informatrix 2  
14 different  
types, £25  
to £39 each  
Mac, PC  
44 x 26  
33 x 22  
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Overlay Keyboard  
size cm  
size cm  
No. of  
& price  
36 x 22  
128, 64, 32  
holes, £75  
39 x 29  
41 x 30  
Don Johnston  
£215 +  
£554 for  
36 x 22  
128, 64, 32  
holes, £75  
Don Johnston  
Key Largo  
Overlay Keyboard Software  
Most of the overlay keyboards need software in the computer to make them work:  
Keyboard Drivers & Editors. The keyboard driver software recognises when a key on the  
overlay keyboard is pressed and then inserts text, moves the mouse, or performs some other  
operation on the computer. (IntelliKeys is an exception – it plugs straight into the computer and  
can be used immediately.)  
Overlay File. The keyboard driver needs an overlay file (also called selection set or setup) which  
defines what each key does when pressed. Different overlay files are used for different programs  
and different purposes.  
Overlay Editor. Overlay files are created using an overlay editor program. Most overlay  
designer programs can also print out a paper overlay to match the overlay file.  
Ac c e s s ing Curric ulum Softwa re  
There are several categories of educational software which are accessible with an overlay keyboard:  
Specifically designed software with driver for an overlay keyboard built in. Overlay files and  
matching paper overlays are supplied with the program. Everything is supplied ready to use so no  
programming is required. However, you are usually stuck with the overlays and activities offered  
by the program and the content is generally fixed. ClarisWorks templates, some My World support  
packs, Discover Curriculum Overlays and the IntelliKeys Hands-on programs are examples of  
programs designed for overlay keyboards. Space does not permit a full listing of all the programs  
that have an option of overlay keyboard access – see the MicroScope Concept Keyboard Special  
issue and catalogues from the suppliers listed at the back of the book for reviews and programs.  
Content free software with optional overlay keyboard access. Usually a ‘starter set’ of overlay  
files and overlays are supplied with an overlay editor. The Full-Phase+2 word processor from  
SEMERC is one example.  
Keyboard drivers/emulators let you use the keyboard with any program running on the  
computer. Once a suitable overlay file is created the driver program operates the computer as  
though the ordinary keyboard or mouse were being used. These programs have considerable  
flexibility and they are particularly useful in integrated settings where the overlay keyboard user  
can get access to the same software that is being used by the rest of class. Creating overlays files  
and overlays for individual pupils and curriculum tasks is time-consuming, although most  
programs come with a selection of ready-made files and overlays.  
Ove rla y ke yboa rd Softwa re Fe a ture s  
Price and supplier details of overlay keyboards are listed in Table 5-2; Table 5-3 gives the features of  
each program:  
Text. All the programs can insert text into an application on the computer.  
Control, Modifier and Cursor keys. All can generate control key combinations – for example,  
pressing ‘b-P’ to print a document.  
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Sticky Keys. Most programs have Sticky Keys for people who cannot hold down two keys at  
once: the Shift or Control key is pressed first, then a letter key pressed next (see Chapter 3  
Accessing the Keyboard for a full description of sticky keys).  
Mouse Pointer Control. Control of the mouse pointer is a very useful feature as many pupils  
who have difficulty with a standard keyboard also have problems with a mouse.  
Auditory Feedback. The keys on an overlay keyboard do not move or click when pressed so  
there is little feedback that a key has actually been activated. Most keyboards or programs give  
an auditory beep to confirm when a key is pressed. This is helpful for users with visual  
impairments, learning difficulties, or physical access problems.  
Digitised sound. Some programs let you use the keyboard to play back digitised recordings or  
sound or speech.  
Speech Output. Programs which can generate synthetic speech, instead of, or as well as, text  
can be useful to support literacy and writing or for interpersonal communication.  
Keyboard Response. Sometimes it is important to be able to adjust the response of the  
keyboard (see Chapter 3 Accessing the Keyboard for a description of the various adjustments),  
so the table shows which facilities are offered with each program.  
Print-out Overlay. Programs with facilities for creating and printing paper overlays ready to be  
used with new overlay files can save considerable time and effort.  
Table 5-2 Overlay Keyboard drivers  
Price Guide  
£29 (free or  
£4 if bought  
with board)  
Acorn, Windows PC  
Flexible software with good  
emulation features.  
Similar to Designer, but has multiple  
‘layers’ e.g. lower & upper case  
Keyboard Co.  
£60 (£14 if  
bought with  
Windows PC  
For making and printing overlay files  
and overlays.  
Concept Plus  
Windows PC  
Concept Plus with sound, speech,  
video and a multimedia presentation  
Concept Plus  
Authoring program for designing  
multimedia activities and matching  
free with  
KCS, Semerc,  
Mac, Windows PC  
KCS, Semerc,  
Mac, Windows PC  
Software for making custom overlays  
for IntelliKeys.  
Overlay Maker  
KCS, Semerc,  
Mac, Windows PC  
Software for creating multimedia  
activities for IntelliKeys keyboard  
with board  
(boards from  
Ke:nx On:Board  
Key Largo  
Very comprehensive emulation and  
speech output features  
Don Johnston  
Discover/ Ke:nx  
Refer to the suppliers’ catalogues for further details  
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Table 5-3 Overlay Keyboard driver software features  
BBC Concept  
Acorn, Windows PC  
Windows PC  
Concept Plus  
Windows PC  
Concept Plus  
Mac, PC  
Mac, PC  
Overlay Maker  
Key Largo,  
Ke:nx On:Board  
Whic h ove rla y ke yboa rd is be s t?  
To choose an overlay keyboard you have to specify the functions needed by the user, the curriculum  
and learning tasks, and then select the most appropriate combination of hardware and software. Cost,  
the computer and software that you want to use, and the ease of use of the keyboard and software are  
also key issues.  
The most popular overlay keyboards for Acorn RiscOS computers are the Concept Keyboards with  
either Informax or Conform+ software. If you wanted to create overlays for detailed pictures or maps  
then the Informatrix with 4096 keys, with Informax software, would be the best choice.  
It is possible to plug in the IntelliKeys device into A7000 or RiscPC machines as they have ‘PS/2’  
keyboard connectors, but you can only use the standard overlays – the OverlayMaker software does  
not run on Acorn RiscOS.  
Macintos h  
If you were working on a particular curriculum topic and using a program like ClarisWorks  
Templates on a Mac, then the Concept Universal might be most suitable as the Templates are  
supplied with ready-made overlays, and the keyboard itself is cheap.  
But if you wanted an overlay keyboard to work with all programs on the Mac, and replace all the  
functions of the standard Macintosh keyboard and mouse, you might choose Intellikeys or  
Discover:Board in preference to the Concept Keyboards with Intercept software, because the latter  
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has very limited features (it does not let you control the mouse pointer, for example).  
Discover:Board has a more sophisticated set of computer control functions than IntelliKeys, while  
IntelliKeys has better tools for designing overlays and associated activities (eg. IntelliPics &  
OverlayMaker). Therefore, Discover:Board may be a better choice if you want a keyboard to give  
the user independent control over the computer and easy access to common programs; while  
IntelliKeys has the advantage for creating your own educational activities.  
Windows PC  
A Concept Keyboard with Informax or Concept Plus software gives good computer control at a low  
price. The infra-red versions of the Concept Universal Plus and Touch ‘N’ Go are good choices for  
wheelchair users because no connecting cable is needed.  
IntelliKeys has more facilities and features (switch sockets; better control over keyboard response),  
but at a higher cost.  
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5.3 Further Information  
Web Sites  
Concept Keyboard Company The Concept Keyboard and accessories  
Don Johnston Inc. Information about Discover:Board and other Don  
Johnston products.  
Inclusive Technology An excellent practical introduction to  
the range of alternative keyboards and pointing devices available.  
Intellitools - The IntelliKeys site, with downloadable resources for  
AU Enterprises Ltd, 126 Great North Road, Hertfordshire AL9 5JZ, Tel 01707 266714  
Concept Keyboard Company, 9 Murrills Estate, Portchester, Hampshire PO16 9RD Tel. 01705  
Don Johnston, 18 Clarendon Court, Calver Road, Winwick Quay, Warrington WA2 8QP. Tel:  
01925 241642.  
Inclusive Technology, Saddleworth Business Centre, Huddersfield Road, Oldham OL3 5DF, Tel.  
01457 819790.  
KCS, PO Box 700, Southampton SO17 1LQ. Tel. 01703 584314.  
Resource, 51 High Street, Kegworth, Derby DE74 2DA, Tel. 01509 672222.  
Semerc 1 Broadbent Road, Watersheddings, Oldham OL1 4LB, Tel. 0161 627 2381.  
Taylor, Jennifer (1995) MAPE Concept Keyboard Special 1995, Microscope Spring 1995.  
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